MindshareLA & UCLA Present
The 2020 Vision Series: It Came from Nano Space…
Saturday Feb 1st, 7pm at cross campus in dtla
It Came from Nano Space…and it plays by different rules! As technology heralds fantastic opportunities it also brings ethical quandaries and unexpected challenges. Linking brains to machines is making us explore the frontiers and boundaries of what it means to be human; cutting-edge genetic therapies are saving lives and forcing us to question our previous limitations; quantum computing is promising unparalleled computer processing while upending the world of digital security; and from the moment we are born we start to share our lives with organisms in our gut biome that shape our mood and behavior. OH, YES! Wild, wild things are happening at the tiny scale! Who and what are we, really? And more importantly, what are we becoming?
The 2020 Vision Series is a four part journey that MindshareLA is producing in collaboration with UCLA so please join us for the inaugural event as we collectively explore how the smallest things can have profound implications on all of our lives. In addition to the talks there will be the usual well-stocked bar, delicious food, delightful performances, and enlightened debauchery for which MindshareLA is known.
** There will be a full bar, mocktail elixirs, light snacks and dinner plates for sale **
Clarice D. Aiello – Assistant Professor, UCLA, Quantum Biology Tech (QuBiT) Lab
Prof. Clarice D. Aiello is a quantum engineer interested in how quantum physics informs biology at the nanoscale. She is an expert on nanosensors that harness room-temperature quantum effects in noisy environments. The manipulation of quantum effects in materials for sensing performance improvement has recently boomed into a field known as “quantum sensing”.
Aiello received her Ph.D. from MIT in Electrical Engineering and held postdoctoral appointments in Bioengineering at Stanford and in Chemistry at Berkeley. She joined UCLA in 2019 where she leads the Quantum Biology Tech (QuBiT) Lab.
Paul S. Weiss – UC Presidential Chair, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, and DP of Materials Science & Engineering California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA
Paul S. Weiss is a nanoscientist who holds a UC Presidential Chair and is a distinguished professor of chemistry, bioengineering, and materials science at UCLA.
He studies the ultimate limits of miniaturization while developing new tools and methods for atomic resolution and spectroscopic imaging and chemical patterning. He applies these advances in other areas including neuroscience, microbiome studies, and high-throughput cell transfection. He has won awards in science, engineering, teaching, publishing, and communications.
Adam Stieg – Associate Director of Technology Centers; Director, UCLA Integrated Systems Nanofabrication Cleanroom; Director, Nano & Pico Characterization Lab
Adam Stieg is a scientist and educator at UCLA where he serves as Associate Director of the California NanoSystems Institute. Tasked with oversight of the Institute’s research infrastructure, his work fosters innovation across disciplines, facilitates university collaborations with industry and supports the rapid commercialization of new technologies.
Adam’s research program explores how interactions in complex systems and architectures comprising functional, nanoscale building blocks produce emergent properties that can uniquely address modern challenges renewable energy, developmental biology, and neuromorphic computing.
Super Tall Paul – A multi-faceted entertainer of tall proportions! Jazz musician and master of mischief & improvisational looping!
Lindsay Carron – Painter & illustrator. “A bridge between the heart of humanity and the heart of the earth.”
Kuan Ju Wu – New media artist, creative technologist, interaction designer, playful educator.
Hot Club of LA – Lauded as one of the best live music acts in town, the Hot Club of Los Angeles keeps Gypsy Jazz alive!
Dave Zaboski – Classically trained painter and illustrator and co-creator of several national children’s books (among many other things!).
Shelita Burke – Pop Star & Futurist
Victoria Vesna, Ph.D. – Artist and Professor at the UCLA Department of Design Media Arts and Director of the Art|Sci Center at the School of the Arts (North campus) and California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) (South campus).
Noise Aquarium – A 3D audio visual experience of plankton in noise pollution. This project is a collaboration between UCLA Artist Victoria Vesna and an international group of scientists, designers, animators and programmers. More here…
The ecological crisis is a human crisis. Oceans must not be considered as flat blue surfaces which serve as dropping holes where we can let vanish all our anthropogenic remains. There are vast amounts of organisms that live down there and some suffer pain from our waste and noise. Many are aware of mammals such as whales and dolphins and there have been discussions about the chemical and waste pollution. But – often ignored is the invisible and the inaudible environment to us that is deeply secluded.
Therefore, in this installation, we have created 3D enlarged plankton to be like whales. In addition, we amplify the noise as participants move closer to the animations to simulate how these organisms might experience and perceive this anthropogenic noise. This is a highly interdisciplinary artist led effort with biologists, chemists, nano-toxicologists and an animator all working together towards a common goal – to raise consciousness.
Join us and create your own drawing to be sent to outer space!
SUPERCOLLIDER x Beyond Earth present…Space Art DNA Time Capsule, the Pioneer Plaque of the 21st Century, featuring hundreds of crowd-sourced drawings created by individuals from around the world. Drawn images represent a visual message to space, reflecting life on Earth and our collective role as citizens of the future. This vast collection of drawings is encoded into DNA, nature’s oldest and most resilient storage device. The DNA is encased in a minuscule, lightweight capsule built for spaceflight.
At Harmonic Light, Our Goal is to create an image that makes you say WOW! To translate your personality, tastes, and Style into a work of art. To Create a Depiction of YOU that is 100% Real and 1000% Unique. We conjure a Compressed Slice of UnEdited time into a portrait that lives and breathes magic!!
Want to get involved in the event as a presenter, performer, or partner?? Apply here…
** There will be a full bar, mocktail elixirs, light snacks and dinner plates for sale **
Mad Hatter’s Custom Catering will be serving a $12 Ancient Grains Buddha Bowl, with the following ingredient options:
Garlic Roasted Chicken, Roasted Butternut Squash, Chili-Marinated Crimini Mushrooms, Garlic-Braised Kale, Quinoa, Bamboo Rice, Sesame Miso Dressing ALL SERVED with Hearty Bean Salad on the side (kidney beans, peas, sweet corn, wild fennel frond, and cilantro in a lemon vinaigrette)
Radical Botanicals incorporates fresh juices, herbs, and home made bitters, merging the plant medicine and cocktail worlds, using the finest herbs, spices, minerals, fruits, flowers, and superfoods to create innovative fusions that can be served with or without alcohol. The next generation of Radical Botanicals offers a collection of the most delicious healing beverages, elixirs, and conscious products for our Los Angeles community and beyond.
SCHEDULE: Doors at 7pm. Talks begin at 8:30pm.
ADDRESS: 800 Wilshire Blvd, 2nd Floor, Downtown Los Angeles
PARKING: There’s a $10 parking lot down the block at 725 S Flower St., Los Angeles, CA 90017
PUBLIC TRANSIT: The Metro is across the street from the venue. Carpool and rideshare is encouraged
UCLA’s primary purpose as a public research university is the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society. To fulfill this mission, UCLA is committed to academic freedom in its fullest terms: We value open access to information, free and lively debate conducted with mutual respect for individuals, and freedom from intolerance. In all of our pursuits, we strive at once for excellence and diversity, recognizing that openness and inclusion produce true quality. Read more…
TwoBitCircus.org is a nonprofit educational organization designed to cultivate the next generation of inventors, advance environmental stewardship and spur community engagement.
Combining the inspiration of Two Bit Circus with castoff material from hundreds of manufacturers, our programs help students learn STEAM education and innovation skills while inspiring critical and creative thinking.
The UCLA Art|Sci Center is dedicated to pursuing and promoting the evolving “Third Culture” by facilitating the infinite potential of collaborations between (media) arts and (bio/nano) sciences.
Art|Sci Center is home to the Art|Sci Collective, an international group of researchers and creatives that develops projects, workshops, performances, and exhibitions that address social, ethical and environmental issues related to scientific innovations.
The mission of the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA is to leverage public and private investment for nanoscience research at the interfaces between disciplines, translate discoveries into knowledge-driven commercial enterprises, and educate the next generation of scientists and engineers. As a part of its education initiatives, the CNSI supports a talented and enthusiastic group of 60+ STEM graduate student volunteers to develop and lead K-12 nanoscience workshops and fun public nanoscience interactive demos. Tonight, the CNSI Education team is excited to share some these demos with the Mindshare LA audience!
SUPERCOLLIDER creates immersive science+art experiences—including curated satellites for pop-ups, festivals, and research institutes—that vividly reclaim our future and explode our present.
SUPERCOLLIDER is comprised of two parts: The Mothership (HQ) + Satellites.


Cross Campus’ network of Los Angeles coworking and office spaces allows professionals and creatives the workspace flexibility needed to focus as well as collaborate. Our shared office spaces are open, accessible environments where tech startups, digital media agencies, and freelance professionals from every industry can work together. Cross Campus has locations in Santa Monica, Downtown LA, Pasadena, and South Bay.
Thanks to THE MINDSHARELA Connectors
John Kirk | Donna Mandosa | Michael Sherrill | Paul Debevec | Gregory Wendt | Alena Lehrer | Barrett Morse
The MindshareLA Connectors are a group of individuals that pledge extra support to the event. Each month we host a dinner for the Connectors, presenters and other special guests.
** Sign up to be a connector for this event on our ticket page **
Since 2006 MindshareLA has been a mecca for thousands of designers, technologists, media professionals, social entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other forward-facing citizens to meet, broaden their perspectives and expand their circle of connections. The evening events are centered around a curated program of short talks and feature lively musical acts and colorful performances.